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Why it is so important to have a mobile-friendly website.

Actualizado: 1 nov 2020

With advancing technology, everything is on your phone these days. Whether it be online shopping, food deliveries or transportation apps everything can be done by a touch of a finger. Due to this, the number of people using smartphone has increased incredibly.

People are on their phones so often because it is the easiest way to be able to check out information on the go. Whether you are on your daily commute, out with friends or simply shopping searching up websites on your mobile phone is the fastest way to get the information you need.

A statistic stated, «in the USA, 94% of people with smartphones search for information mainly on their phone». That means the way companies design their websites to be mobile friendly is becoming increasingly important. If you don’t have a web that works for mobile and tablet friendly you are taking out a large number of users that could be on your website.

It is important for companies to change the layout of their website because it is what lures people into staying there and using it.

The website should not only be smaller to fit the screen but the layout of the buttons, navigation, and features of the website should be adjusted as well for all different types of tablets and mobile devices. 

Back in 2015, Google changed their algorithm to make mobile friendly websites the priority and receive a higher ranking.

This was there way of trying to motivate all companies to make sure that they have mobile friendly websites. Not having a website that works on all devices is handing over money to your competition and therefore decreasing the success rate of your website. Therefore, it is of extreme importance that all companies consider making their website mobile and tablet friendly for all people to see.

To check if your website is mobile friendly Google has made a feature that will make it easier for you.

If you need more information about mobile-friendly website or how to develop yours, please contact us using our form.


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